The Realm of Kinoko Otoko
Because there's a need to be random...
Well, as you probably noticed if you came from the entrance page, there's a new look to our entrance page. It reflects the current status of The Realm. I won't be updating this section of the site for a while. This "hiatus" could be temporary, or it could be permanent. I've struggled with a lack of ideas for the Realm for the last few months, and with a recent lack of free time, I really don't see much being added to the Realm anytime soon. The entire site won't be shut down though, as I'll add some things to the Mind when I get a chance. But until further notice, consider this part of the site to be dormant.
Happy Anniversary! Today the site turns 4 years old! It has progressed a lot from that first day, and although I haven't updated much, when I have updated, I feel like I've added a lot of interesting stuff. I still have to make up my mind as to where I want to go next, as I'm considering making a big change. Until then...
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Main Entry: Ran·dom·oc·i·ty
Pronounciation: 'ran-d&m-ä-s&-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: Derived from the word Random, and created by Kinoko Otoko when he decided that a word that contained the entire amount of randomness was necessary.
(1) That which is, or has the capability of being, random.
(2) A word that comprises the randomness of something or someone.
(1) "The Painted Toadstool's poetry is complete randomocity."
(2) "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (© Douglas Adams) is full of randomocity."
And so it is, friends, that Kinoko Otoko said, "Let the people be informed." and they were. And he saw that this was good, and rejoicing commenced.